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Kentucky Derby Golf Scramble

  • Timber Ridge Golf Club 1400 Illinois 17 Lacon, IL, 61540 United States (map)

Join us Saturday, September 5th for our 1st Annual Kentucky Derby Golf Scramble [Open to Public]

We will be hosting a Kentucky Derby Golf Scramble on Saturday, September 5th. The event will begin at 8:00 AM and will be a four-person team - best ball format. The cost is $50 per team. We will be putting some fun derby themed ideas into this outing! If you would like to sign up a team, please call the clubhouse at 309-246-1131 and see what we have planned. Please see flyer below for additional details.

Blue Monochrome Horse Racing Poster copy.png

September 3

Women's Golf League

September 5

Kentucky Derby Party